Have a few reasons why you haven’t made the switch in your home to organic? Check out these quick facts about Under the Canopy—and learn why it might be the sustainable brand that’s right for you.
1. You’re budget-minded.
You’re on board for buying organic, but you equate “organic” with “outrageous price tag.” At Under the Canopy, we get you—and the prices you prefer. We think everyone should benefit from sustainability (not just those with deep pockets), so we aim to be affordable while keeping our product quality high. And we do it through a vertically integrated supply chain, efficient production process, domestic distribution center, and organic cotton bought in bulk.

Under the Canopy's Organic Cotton Brushed Percale Sheet Set starts at just $49.99
2. These days, you’re skeptical of products claiming to be “green.”
We agree that it’s smart to research environmental claims made by any product you buy. Because we want you to feel confident that we protect the earth as an obligation—not as a business model—Under the Canopy adheres to six kinds of certifications. Together, they prevent the use of harmful substances, reduce resource and energy waste, support worker welfare, and truly make an impact.

3. Organic products seem like they would be scratchy. Or grainy. Or stiff.
Our customers love our organic cotton products because they do something pretty magical (if we do say so ourselves): They get better and better over time. And that’s all thanks to 100% GOTS-certified organic cotton that blooms and softens with every wash, as well as thread counts kept in the perfect range. The result is ultra-comfortable, durable, bedding, sheets, and towels you have to feel to believe—then wash and feel again.

4. You’d prefer organic bedding. But beige bores you.
Does the word “organic” conjure up images of neutral, muted, or monochromatic tones? At Under the Canopy, we’re big believers in not sacrificing personal style for sustainable living. That’s why we offer a variety of eclectic and inspired designs in vibrant colors and interesting patterns—all dyed without the use of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, or bleaches.

5. You’d rather try it before you buy it.
You don’t like to make a commitment until you take something home and live with it for a while. We don’t blame you! At Under the Canopy, we let you take your time (30 nights, in fact) to get to know our organic sheets. Give them a whirl for a month, risk-free. If you’re not satisfied, send them back our way—and we’ll foot the bill.